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Kroka Expeditions, Where Consciousness Meets Wilderness

Monday, February 5th, 2018 @ Manzanita School

Monday Evening
February 5th, 2018
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Manzanita Art Room
1717 Old Topanga Canyon Rd.
Topanga, CA 90290


The Manzanita Institute presents an evening with Misha Golfman, Founding Director and Senior Leader of Kroka Expeditions, a year-round adventure school that combines active pursuits with academic teachings focused on positive change in the world, special human contributions to society and the wonders of nature.

Today, there is a pressing need to develop an intimate connection with the natural world, a strong sense of interconnected community and a will power to see the needs of others before those of our own. Yet, erratic schedules leave little time for nature, and materialism is fracturing communities while an ever increasing tide of conveniences weakens the human will. As parents and educators we have an awesome task as we guide our students and children on the adventure of re-connecting with nature, ourselves and each other.

Join Misha Golfman, a veteran wilderness guide, co-founder of Kroka Expeditions and father of four as he shares his adventures of raising a family and school rooted in the ideals of sustainability and simplicity. For 24 years, Kroka Expeditions has guided thousands of children and youth on transformative wilderness journeys that combine adventure and community with farming and the art of sustainable living, while Misha and his wife, Lynne, have practiced a ritual of annual month-long wilderness expeditions with their boys and crafted a purposefully “inconvenient” home life which requires farm chores, cooking with wood and taking a walking path to get home. You will leave this talk with practical tools and inspirations for making changes at home, and at school, as well as with optimism and enthusiasm for a positive future.