As we explore outcomes of the Manzanita experience in the mid-year Narrative, we offer evidence for areas where growth is occurring, where obstacles are encountered, and where passions seem most engaged for each student. We value much more than what are often the narrowly defined purposes of education. To thrive in the present world, one must be articulate and literate, reading and writing complexly and skillfully. One must also be empathetic and a good listener, able to navigate an often abrupt and unpredictable human world. To explore the wonders of modern science, or to enter the ordered world of business, one must have strong number sense and mathematical skill, yet one must also be intuitive, inspired, and interpersonally engaged to fully embrace the promise of science or business. To appreciate the economic, ecological, and social challenges of our time, one must study history and humanities, yet one must also feel deeply that one belongs to this earth and that one is kin to the varied human cultures sharing our planet, as well as the myriad non-human species under our stewardship.