Resources for Understanding the Unique Times in Which We Are Living
(from Manzanita Bridge, Spring 2020)
COVID-19 Update 6.7.20 "What the Data are Saying and this Disease" ith often confusing information from political leaders at all levels, and diverse (and changing) guidelines for re-opening, it is important to keep an eye on the data trends, and what they mean. In this video, Dr. Paul reviews the data present at the website World Meters (
How Do We Activate the Genius of Young People? The Power of MNZ Bridge in this Time
What is the fundamental role of schooling beyond simply directing content development and acquisition? How is a community central to the awakening of genius in youth? Let's consider these questions deeply, in this time of profound disconnection within communities caused by the pandemic. Please watch this important video.
The Importance of Rituals of Return for People in Quarantine and Suffering from COVID-19
In this amazing 6-minute excerpt, Mythologist Michael Meade talks about the tremendous overwhelm of people who are quarantined, or who have gone through sickness in this time, and the vital role of welcome-back rituals. He also speaks of our shared need to re-learn how to improvise these kinds of human rituals of return. (This video is from a live weekly series Michael is offering. For more information, please contact Dr. Paul).
Dr. Paul’s Weekly COVID-19 Update (May 10, 2020) - Harvard University has released one of the most comprehensive reports on how the United States can re-open safely and in a timely and ethical manner. The information in the Harvard report is a critical public resource, and parents can link to the actual report in the description section of the video. We strongly encourage our families to familiarize themselves with the Four Phases described in the report, by watching this video. The video also includes Dr. Paul’s condensed version of a mathematician’s animated video about the report which can be found on YouTube.
Dr. Paul’s Weekly Visioning and COVID Update (April 24, 2020) - In these unique times, I find that I am often positioned between a pressing reality and a precious dream, between the pragmatic world of pandemic, and the possible world of hope and change. This is often not a comfortable place, and yet I believe it is calling forth some of our deepest goodness and greatest wishes for healing across the emotional, physical, and planetary.
'Response-Ability' (April 7, 2020) - The human response to COVID-19 and implications for our relationship to climate change indicators," a 12-minute video-blog by Dr. Paul, produced during the spring break, with some philosophical overtones (and political undertones). Enjoy.
Dr. Paul’s Update on COVID-19 Pandemic (March 15, 2020) - For more information on COVID-19, please click the links in the document at this link.
Considerations for Re-Opening Manzanita's Physical Campus this Fall One of the most pressing concerns for our community of Manzanita is "What's happening for MNZ schooling in the fall?" Dr. Paul discusses some of the considerations for re-opening here, including: (1) how masks will likely interfere with learning, based on educational psychology; and (2) what Denmark is doing today in terms of schooling during the pandemic, and how might that be applicable here, in the United States? There is much to consider, and Dr. Paul will continue to support the community in having timely, accessible information during this lockdown.
Important Consideration for Re-opening the Economy
In the brief 3-minute excerpt of a longer talk, Harvard Provost Dr. Alan Garber, offers a provocative and simply-stated insight into balancing economics and human health in the pandemic, as we consider how we re-open. Dr. Garber is uniquely suited to this discussion, as he holds a PhD in Economics and is also a medical doctor. Please watch this important excerpt. (Dr. Paul briefly introduces the excerpt).
Ken Robinson on Re-Imagining Schooling After the Pandemic
In this brilliant 5-minute excerpt, Sir Ken Robinson offers his thoughts on how we must re-imagine schools after the pandemic. This is our moment. He draws a striking analogy to agriculture, and also provides strong support for our Manzanita approach to community and culture. Please watch this important excerpt.
Dr. Paul's Weekly COVID-19 Update (May 3, 2020)
What about the protests? Are 'stay at home' orders a violation of our rights? What would have happened if the 37% growth rate of daily infections had continued past March 23rd? What is the likely 'case fatality' for COVID-19? What does Harvard University mean by "supported isolation" and why is it so important to our recovery from the pandemic? Let's all stay abreast of shared information as we navigate this uncertain future together.
"The Flattening Curve" (April 18, 2020) - While the curve is flattening, and many lives have been saved, there are other considerations for relaxing mitigation efforts like social distancing. We need testing, contact tracing, and strong leadership. In this video, Dr. Paul provides some original data tables, and presents information not yet consistently found in the news at this time. Please watch.
Dr. Paul's Update on COVID-19 Pandemic (April 5, 2020) - In this video, I discuss the challenges of this pandemic in terms of easing mitigation efforts, including social distancing. Many are asking the question: When will things return to normal? There are several primary considerations, and I discuss them here.
Will Universities, Colleges, and Law School Campuses Be Open in Fall 2020? (April 7, 2020) - In this podcast by Spivey Consulting Law School Admissions, founder Mike Spivey discusses the various factors being considered in deciding whether colleges can safely open in the fall of 2020. You can also read the companion article here.
PSA Grocery Shopping Tips in COVID-19 (March 24, 2020) - This Public Service Announcement (PSA) video was produced by Dr. Jeffrey VanWingen, a Michigan medical doctor. In it, he describes how to ensure that you are not bringing the virus into your home when you return from grocery shopping or buying take-out food.
This link to Worldmeters provides real-time data on the cases of COVID-19 globally, and by country. There are also some powerful interactive tables in here.
This document is Los Angeles County’s “Roadmap to Recovery: A Phased Approach to Reopening Safely in Los Angeles County.
This link takes you to “COVID Exit Strategy,” a powerfully-constructed, data-driven, interactive website which shows where every is with (a) stay-at-home orders; (b) COVID-19 infections; (c) testing, and more.
These are the White House guidelines for reopening, created with support from the CDC and top scientists.
Please see California Governor Newsom’s “Roadmap to Modify the Stay-at-Home Order” here. Aditionally, Governor Newsom’s “State Report Card” on his “resilience roadmap” issued on May 5th can be viewed here.
This is a very stimulating and thoughtful article by the systems-thinking team of Fritjof Capra and Hazel Henderson, and written from a future perspective. It is entitled, “Pandemics: Lessons Looking Back From 2050”
A lot of people have made comparisons between COVID-19 and the flu. This article in Live Science reviews the similarities and differences, and is entitled, “How does the new coronavirus compare with the flu?” Another article by Johns Hopkins University addresses the same question. (May 2020)
This CNN report entitled "Denmark schools are reopening with new safety measures," provides an overview (including a video) about Danish schools during this pandemic. (May, 21, 2020)
In this article, Dr. Anthony Fauci recently discussed his concerns about re-opening the country too soon. It is entitled, “Fauci warns of ‘serious’ consequences if U.S. reopens too soon.” (May 13, 2020)
Though numbers are very low, some children are showing signs of an unusual disease associated with COVID-19 infection, which has been fatal in some cases. Read more about this inflammatory disease here and here. (May 11, 2020)
This is a detailed Google Doc written by Jim Chaffee, a historian and emergency management specialist, focusing on correcting over 20 erroneous claims made in the brief film “Plandemic.” (May 9, 2020)
If You Found That ‘Plandemic’ Video Convincing, Read This Too. (May 8, 2020)
This is a strong article in Forbes Magazine, entitled “Why It’s Important To Push Back On ‘Plandemic’—And How To Do It.” At the bottom of the article are numerous additional resources to fact-check the film. (May 8, 2020)
This document outlines ways we can avoid risks during this crisis, and is entitled, “The Risks -Know Them, Avoid Them.” (May 6, 2020)
More information, some of it very concerning, comes out daily about the novel coronavirus. This article is entitled, “Many Covid-19 patients are reporting neurological symptoms.” (May 2, 2020)
This United Nation article describes the concept of “Building Back Better,” or supporting a ‘new normal’ that is better for the living earth.
Please enjoy this Fairy Tale from the future, entitled "The Great Realisation." (April 29, 2020)
In this article, top scientists explain how halting our destruction of nature will be key to ending the threat of ongoing pandemics. (April 27, 2020)
The University of Wisconsin reports that “Respiratory allergies and allergic asthma may have protective mechanism in COVID-19.” (April 27, 2020)
From the leading American Biologist, Thomas Lovejoy, comes this important article entitled "'We did it to ourselves': scientist says intrusion into nature led to pandemic." (April 25, 2020)
In this article, we learn how Brazil is currently struggling with coronavirus. We share this as several of our MNZ families are from this beautiful South American country. “Brazil threatens to become COVID-19 hotspot with health system on verge of collapse” (April 25, 2020)
Watch this brief video from the "Today" show, on Danish schools' reopening. (April 24, 2020)
From National Public Radio, “9 Ways Schools Will Look Different When (And If) They Reopen.” (April 24, 2020)
A powerful and important article from the Guardian, “A high-risk perfect storm': loneliness and financial despair take toll on US mental health.” (April 24, 2020)
Though it may feel alarmist, the continuing medical news about the impacts of COVID-19 on the body are important for us to know about. In that spirit, I share this difficult article from Science Magazine entitled, “A rampage through the body.” (April 24, 2020)
In this article from Business Insider, we learn about some of the unusual things happening in Sweden during this pandemic. “Coronavirus: Sweden defends no-lockdown plan, says immunity spreading.” (April 24, 2020)
There is considerable interest in really finding out how many Americans have already been infected by coronavirus. This is done through antibody tests. Preliminary studies are pointing to a higher percentage of already infected people, which both lowers the case-fatality rate, and raises the immunity percentage. This article in LiveScience tells us "1 in 5 people tested in New York City had antibodies for the coronavirus." (April 23, 2020)
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo lays out some important information in this 27-minute briefing. Some of it is inspiring, some of it disturbing, all of it reflective of good, reliable, human, and honest leadership. He talks about building an “army of contact tracers,” which we should all be informed about. (April 22, 2020)
More valuable information here from the Washington Post about the challenges of re-opening the country too soon, entitled, "States rushing to reopen are likely making a deadly error, coronavirus models and experts warn." (April 22, 2020)
Important health update from NPR and the Centers for Disease Control, “CDC To Expand Public Health Workforce To Support Contact Tracing.” (April 21, 2020)
This article and podcast provides evidence from England that seven days of isolation is sufficient if one thinks they’ve been exposed to coronavirus. “Covid-19: is seven days in isolation enough?” (April 21, 2020)
This is an MIT article outlining the robust testing required found in Harvard’s “Roadmap to Pandemic Resilience,” the report described in Dr. Paul’s May 10th video above. The report says we need to conduct 20,000,000 COVID-19 tests daily. (April 20, 2020)
The University of Chicago’s report produced this report on “Roadmap to Pandemic Resilience.” (April 20, 2020)
The amazing Math wizard and YouTube animator, VIhart, shares some visually engaging information in this video about the important Harvard Study entitled "Road to Pandemic Resilience." Her video is entitled "How we re-open!" (April 20, 2020)
This very important article from Harvard University, entitled “Road Map to Pandemic Resilience,” reviews how and when we might return to some degree public normalcy. (It is quite technical). (April 20,2020)
From the Guardian, a vivid reminder of the attention we will need to continue to pay during this crisis: how the government COVID-19 funds have become bailouts to support chronic polluting industries. (April 17, 2020)
This article from the New England Journal of Medicine, entitled, “In Pursuit of PPE” provides an inside look on the challenges some states are facing in securing adequate supplies during this pandemic. (April 17, 2020)
A forward thinking article from the Atlantic Journal about the challenges of opening schools in the fall without adequate testing in place, entitled: "Without antibody tests, treatments or vaccine for COVID-19, we can’t assume return to brick and mortar schools." (April 15, 2020)
"California prepares for socially distant schools in the fall," an article published in POLITICO. (April 14, 2020)
An important article with relevance to our state: “Herd immunity in California? A Stanford expert on why we're nowhere close.” (April 14, 2020)
This is a powerful, and political article: “Coronavirus doubters follow climate denial playbook” (published by Yale University School of Forestry). (April 14, 2020)
An astute article calling for more testing, entitled, “Why America is still failing on coronavirus testing.” (April 10, 2020)
Also from the Post, the notion of "crushing the curve" is replacing the idea of just flattening it. "As social distancing shows signs of working, what’s next? Crush the curve, experts say." (April 8, 2020)
This article describes how human impact on wildlife have led to the increasing emergence of pathogenic agents in society. (April 7, 2020)
A fascinating article by Joel Makower, calling on us to adopt a reaction to Climate Change that has been similar to our reaction to COVID-19. (April 7, 2020)
A sobering article in Scientific American about the challenges of vaccine development, entitled “Can We Really Develop a Safe, Effective Coronavirus Vaccine?: We don’t know for sure, but if we can, it probably won’t be easy, cheap or fast” Information is power. (April 6, 2020)
Dr. Juliana Grant is a Washington State based epidemiologist and medical doctor. She has written a lucid, two-part blog about what to expect in the coming months. Part One (April 3, 2020) and Part Two (April 6, 2020.
"The Coronation" is a fascinating and robust take on the current circumstances by the brilliant writer and thinker, Dr. Charles Eisenstein. (March 2020)
Please enjoy this Italian-narrated video titled "A Letter from the Virus" here.
CDC Article: “Severe Outcomes Among Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) — United States, February 12–March 16, 2020” This article provides a breakdown on the data for different age groups who are getting sick, and what their outcomes are. (March 27, 2020)
A beautifully-written article in the Atlantic, by Joe Pinkser, addressing the pressing question of when this will all end, entitled, “The Four Possible Timelines for Life Returning to Normal.” (March 26, 2020)
This article describes the correlation between our environmental degradation and the pandemic are described. The UN Chief says that coronavirus is “nature sending us a message.” (March 25, 2020)
Another great article linking Climate Change and coronavirus, also by Joel Makower, the same author as an article above, entitled “COVID-19 and climate change: A healthy dose of reality.” (March 16, 2020)
This article from the Mayo Clinic outlines how we can help kids cope with the coronavirus pandemic. (March 16, 2020)
One of the leading scientific reports on coronavirus came from Imperial College in London, and it is entitled: “The Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand.” (March 16, 2020)
This very helpful article published in Psychology Today covers all the developmental ages of children, from babies through high schoolers, offering concise suggestions on how we parents and adults can support them emotionally and informationally during this time. (March 11,2020)
From Business Insider, positive development in China; the banning of live animal markets (where we speculate the coronavirus crossed into the human population). (February 25, 2020)
This article from last year, entitled “The Secret Life of Viruses” describes how viruses communicate and cooperative with one another. (June 18, 2019)
This article is entitled, "Effective Teacher Immediacy Behaviors Based on Students' Perceptions” (February 2019)
David Abram, the brilliant ecophilosopher, and author of Spell of the Sensuous, has an exquisite podcast about this unique moment in time, recorded for Emergence Magazine. You can listen to (and read) the full “In the Ground of Our Unknowing” podcast by David Abram, at this link.